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Foundation Course

6 Weeks

Gain essential skills in computers, cloud, programming, and the components of web and mobile applications, including front-end, back-end, and database technologies—everything a software professional needs.

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Technology Stack

8-12 Weeks

Learn and gain hands-on experience in designing, developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining software applications using technologies like Java, Python, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Selenium.

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Specialist Program

8-12 Weeks

Specialize in your chosen area and become the go-to expert—whether as a Full Stack Developer, Test Automation Lead, or Data Engineer. Get special one-to-one session with the Coach

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Who is Coaching For ?

Fresh Gradudate

Just finished your Engineering degree? Prepare for your dream job! Keep fueling your curiosity and passion for technology. Discover the world of Software Applications, learn how technology solves business challenges, and master skills that go beyond programming languages.

New to the job

Just started your IT Career? On the job training would get you a part of the larger perspective in Software Application design and development. There are basic set of skills that would make a difference in the individual to make them successful and acceptable effectively in the industry.

Become an Expert

Become a specialist in your area of work. Do not wait for job position to define that. Every business requirement is unique and solution also would be unique. Exposure and experience into multiple project scenarios early in your career makes a huge difference in your capability and to become expert.

Your Coach